Barn Hunts in Utah

Doberman Barn Hunt
Dax loves to hunt for Rats!

For the most recent updates, please visit our Facebook Group: Facebook!

The Barn Hunt Club of Northern Utah, LLC., was created in February 2015. Our goal is to provide safe and fun Barn Hunt Trials in Utah. All our Barn Hunt Trials are sanctioned by the Barn Hunt Association, LLC.

Our First Barn Hunt was held March 7, 8, 2015 in Farmington Utah at the Legacy Events Center, at the Davis County Fairgrounds. The Davis County Fairgrounds is an awesome venue that welcomes dog people and dog sports. We are very dedicated to cleaning up after our dogs and keeping our well behaved dogs in control and on leash when on the grounds.

Our Second Barn Hunt was held at the Cache County Fairgrounds in Logan, Utah, May 15, 16, 17, 2015 in conjunction with the Mount Ogden Kennel Club AKC All Breed Show and Pocatello Kennel Club AKC Agility Trial.

We hope to hold an average of four or so trials per year. Some will be stand alone Barn Hunt only trials, and some will be in conjunction with AKC events.

Barn Hunt is a very new sport to Utah. While in other areas of the country it is becoming very popular, we hope that it will also develop into a very fun sport in Utah. We always need volunteers, so if you would like to participate please let us know!

We are pursuing our insurance through KennelPro!

12 thoughts on “Barn Hunts in Utah

  1. I was looking for the results of the Jerome Barn hunt. Not listed in trial results on this site. Can I look elsewhere? BHA site?

  2. I thought the trial for May 19-21, 2016 was opening on March 2. When will it open? I am looking forward to a trial “out west” and yours is the only one close enough for me to attend. Please let me know. I will keep checking the barn hunt web site. Thank you.

      1. Thank you very much. I will process my entries on the Barn Hunt web site, and send them to you in a timely fashion.

  3. Is this still active? My daughter-in-law just turned me onto this sport and we’re super excited! Shantell from WYOMING

      1. Excellent! I’m going to fill out the AKC application and find out which dates will work for us. I live in Evanston, WY. I have a male “MiniJack.” He’s about 5, I adopted him in 2015. He’s apparently a mix between a MiniPini & Jack Russel Terrier. I think he will love this!

        I honestly have no idea where to start. I’ve been told I need to fill out the AKC application, and then sign up for meets. So that’s what I’m doing. Any advice would be appreciated!

        Thank you!

  4. Hi! Just wondering where I can get information on classes, Iā€™m interested in getting started with my aussie!

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